LOVE is my Shepherd, I shall not want or be in need for any good thing LOVE maketh me to lie down in lush green pastures LOVE leads me beside the still waters LOVE guides me in the paths of righteousness for Love’s name sake LOVE restores my vitality, my fire, my soul Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for LOVE is with me, above me, beneath, and all around me to rebirth me, and to resurrect me This very LOVE lives in and thru me How can I ever fear rejection? Her Presence, direction, favored touch and protection, they guide and comfort me She prepares a lavish table for me in the presence of my enemies She anoints my head with oil until my joy flows over, and over again Surely goodness, mercy and LOVE shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the Heart, Presence and Eye of LOVE forever, and ever, and ever more the Presence of pure LOVE there is deep seated peace and no torment.
Let LOVE arise and all enemies (of Love) be scattered♥️ "
"Love Is..."
(Adaptation of Psalm 23, The Holy Bible)
(“Love is my Shepherd”, page 83, from BluJOY) BluJOY is available at or © Lisa Spencer’s From the Heart Poetry Collection 2017 All Rights Reserved
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