There’s a distinguished wonder, a true magic that occurs the moment when the dawning of realization awakens within us, that we no longer have to wait until tomorrow to experience a new day, of new opportunities and chances.
The point of Power is forever Present in the Now.
And now, faith is!
Be it unto you as you believe, and as deep within, through, and above as your Eye will itself to see.
There’s even no need to stress to figure it out, just give yourself to Be a New Sky.
The rising Sun paints my soul
with new skies revealing jewels
of lush, luminous Presence
I Am a new sky
in Its sweet, welcoming embrace...
there is comfort, treasures and wonders
to behold, and never before told
A hidden rapture of toe-twinkling awakenings
a forever-heaven here on Earth
silently unfolding in the breath of eternal Love
Deep breathe
be at ease
be still
the Sun is generous
Breathe in Light
I Am a New Sky
I Am a New Day
©"I Am a New Sky"
Lisa Sophia Spencer, 2021
All Rights Reserved
“You Are A New Sky“