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  • Writer's pictureLisa Sophia Spencer

Updated: Sep 13, 2022

”When is it my turn... I am feeling just so exhausted...”

For everything there is a season, and given is a season for everything. A time to help others, and a time to leave, thereby empowering others to help themselves (let go, and let GOD)... First, foremost and at bare minimum, there must be a time for us (you & me), as individuals. We must -faithfully- take gentle and essential care of ourselves, thereby opening ourselves to enjoy every good thing in which peace, joy and balance could minister unto us. Furthermore, let us begin again, and cease to quit seeding, nurturing and watering our own dreams. Your special time is oxygen unto the Self... being careful not to overwhelm & suffocate from a lack of time to deep breathe and just be... As shared above, for everything there is a season. Notwithstanding, “me time” and taking faithful care of ourselves is a -daily- necessity. We need a special, set aside time to heal, replenish, feel and know the Breath and Heart of GOD or of our Inner-Light. Otherwise, we will fall upon a very tormented, scorching summer in our lives... burned out, bitter & blinded by regrets. Wisdom admonishes us to affirm: “I have not violated sacred times and seasons” (Egyptian Wisdoms). Do not violate the need for your special time. As Earth and Sun turn and rise each new morning, let the dust settle on habits, fears and practices that will not protect you, and no longer serve your highest good. This -is- for you, give yourself permission to allow it. LIFE is longing for you! Everyday take time, so that you too may rise, in peace, wellness, joy, inner-love and prosperity. “No woman can be comfortable without her own self-approval.” Mark Twain (paraphrased) Notwithstanding, the same is true for every man. If I’d known then what I now know, I would have taken so much better care of my sacred mind, life, body and soul. It's not too late, this is our season. Like air, it’s time to rise!

"For Me?"

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  • Writer's pictureLisa Sophia Spencer

Updated: Sep 13, 2022

Like me, do you find that when you set out to make positive changes in your life, hesitancy and resistance take their rise?

If you notice yourself procrastinating and resisting the positive actions you know it's high time for you to take, like yesterday...

➢ Don’t judge it, don’t beat yourself up for it, just observe its presence (the presence of resistance).

➢ Consider its presence with a healthy sense of curiosity.

➢ Then, prevail through with the Fire of Love!

Tell resistance thank you! Thank it for coming to make you stronger. Thank it for coming to awaken you to your inner-saboteur. It’s ok, cry if you need to, and simultaneously (at the same time, in that very moment), brave up and push through!

Truth and change will come at the cost of resistance, and chaos most always precedes true change.

Like Yin and Yang, if I am my own hero, then I am also my own warden, my own killer (killing my opportunities, dreams), my own "Freddie Krueger".  

Notwithstanding and right now, we release the need to fight change and block our own goodness, our own wellness and success, in this very moment! All I’ll ever have is Now.

Don't fight back, win back. We are winning for our lives! We are Olympian Overcomers!

As said above, Truth and change will come at the cost of resistance.

Yet, Awareness is the entry to every amazing opening.

Love yourself, then “watch” yourself and grow free.

"Fighting Change"

(If you've enjoyed this read, please share & pass it on) ❤️

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  • Writer's pictureLisa Sophia Spencer

Updated: Sep 13, 2022

How are we all so much like a song?

Melody is defined as a sequence of single notes that’s musically satisfying. It’s similarly defined as musically satisfying sequences of notes collectively.

We are like a song:

Melody – we live by each little step as we walk collectively through all the stages of our lives.

Harmony – What we long for is harmony, within ourselves and with others. We very much want the peace, agreement, accord and unified fellowship of our hearts (values and joys), minds (self-promises) and truth (inner-wisdom of our souls) to be together as one when we speak, think, act and in all that we do. This is the most essential blend of harmony, Inner-Harmony.

Next what we long for is belonging. We hope to connect and resonate with our “village” our “tribe.” We’d very much enjoy harmonizing with caring others in this world. As wisdoms of old have prepared us, “As within, so without.” Well lived harmony begins Within.

Good! – We want “top of the charts” goodness in our hearts and lives. Like a new song, if we’re honest, we want the melody, known as us, to be good and be accepted by everyone (in a perfect world), especially by those who matter most to us. We want life to be good!

Stop the record. Let’s ask... what if? What if my daily energy, state of being, inner-thought-life, and actions were to play out in song, right now, for the world to hear? Would I be frightened with how it’s going to sound?

Let’s fine tune our inner-listening skills right now & set our dials to:

Self-Trust (trusting our Inner-Guidance)



Harmony (Balance)


Yes, now we’re harmonizing so beautifully! Living with self-love, self-honor, goodness, passion and

r-e-s-p-e-c-t will hit those high notes, astounding tones of wellness and resonating joys.

Trust and create every little step in your melody, then vibe in a harmony that is soul satisfying.

Now let your music play!

"Sing A Song"

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